19 October 2010
And the second show winner is ....
Well last Sunday was held the second show of Dancing with stars ... and again Ithaka Maria's dress was the most beautiful. Her dance-partner is professional dancer Marko Kiigajaan

And the winner is ...
14 October 2010
DIY - shoulder pads
Now I share a link where I got idea of how to make my shoulder pads:
SMART TIP: I used a black bra, so I did not need to cover my bra with fabric :) - so use the same color bra you want your shoulder pads to be ...
But I did not put my pads under the fabric as on the link she shows but on the blouse shoulders. And I also added a chain (it follows the metallic wire inside the bra-cup - I attached it from both ends and left the rest of the chain to hang free) and I also added strip of ruffles to the edge. I bought 50 cm of ruffles and it was just enough.
See pictures from my previous post.
But I did not put my pads under the fabric as on the link she shows but on the blouse shoulders. And I also added a chain (it follows the metallic wire inside the bra-cup - I attached it from both ends and left the rest of the chain to hang free) and I also added strip of ruffles to the edge. I bought 50 cm of ruffles and it was just enough.
See pictures from my previous post.
11 October 2010
DIY shoulder pads
10 October 2010
28 September 2010
Note that! I had a biffany today. I facinate the stewardesses uniforms. I could bet my head that THIS will be the next HIT in the world of fashion. The history has shown that fashion world loves uniforms and military theme, now is the time for uniforms of stewardesses and pilots.
Best wishes,

London Shopping List
Lets see can I get something similar to things I picked up from New York's Fashion weeks photos, I hope I'll find them :)
1. Jacket - pilot styled
By Betsey Johnson
2. Big handbag and over-the-knee boots

3. Dress
By Vassilios Kostetsos
4. Warm outfit for this autumn is inspiered by Diane Von Fürstenberg
1. Jacket - pilot styled

2. Big handbag and over-the-knee boots

4. Warm outfit for this autumn is inspiered by Diane Von Fürstenberg

27 September 2010
4 days til London
It's been a long and sunny summer ... and now is time for autumn and a new beginning of fashion. I will be in London soon, so it will be very interesting and classy. I will take my camera and do a lot of pictures of people and fashion. And also do some shopping , I can't wait for it anymore. :)
28 May 2010
Sex and the City 2
26 May 2010
LONDON street style
ERKI !!!!
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia koondab TASE festivali nime all kokku lõputööde väljapanekud, avalikud kaitsmised, ERKI moeshow ja avatud meistriklassid.
Kunstisündmuste eesmärk on noorte kunstnike tutvustamine laiema üldsuse ja tööandjate seas ning eesti kunsti- ja disainihariduse väärtustamine ühiskonnas.
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia paikneb kuni uue maja valmimiseni seitsmes erinevas asukohas.
Reedel, 28. mail kell 18.00 avatakse Telliskivi Loomelinnakus Eesti Kunstiakadeemia 2010. aasta magistritööde näitus. Telliskivi Loomelinnaku turuhoonesse on aga ühtse katuse alla koondatud ligi 60-ne magistrandi lõputööd enamikelt EKA erialadelt, mis pakub avalikkusele võimalust korraga tutvuda uute noorte professionaalide loominguga. Turgutust pakub spetsiaalselt näituseks üles seatud noorte skulptuuritudengite kohvik.
Telliskivi Loomelinnaku teistes hoonetes ja mitmel pool Tallinnas toimub festivali ajal ka bakalaureuste näituseid ning erialade ülevaatenäituseid.
Nii on uues SooSoo Galeriis F hoones võimalik tutvuda tekstiilidisaini ning sisearhitektuuri ja mööblidisaini erialade väljapanekutega.
29. mail kell 19.00 vallutab ERKI moeshow Vabaduse väljaku maa-aluse parkla, kus kogu etendus toimub "silent show/ disco" formaadis. Külastajatele jagatakse kõrvaklapid, millest kostub catwalki muusika, klappideta aga jääb kõrvu moedemonstratsioonile omane sigin-sagin ja melu. Pileti saab siit!
Lõputööde kõrval koondab TASE sellel aastal ka esmakordselt mitmeid EKA tudengite omaalgatuslikke kunstiprojekte.
Telliskivi turul lähevad müüki Eesti Kunstiakadeemia majast järele jäänud taiesed ja värske tudengite looming, liikuvast raamatupoest Asterisk saab osta kodu- ja välismaiste disainerite ning kunstnike trükiseid.
Portfolio Cáfe annab võimaluse esitleda oma portfooliot erinevatele kunstiprofessionaalidele ning Õhu Siiditükikoda aitab trükkida siiditrüki tegemise õpetust.
Lisaks linastuvad veel Jaak Kilmi dokumentalistika loengus valminud parimad palad ja Joonmeedia kutsub hariduse teemadel vestlema Ülo Vooglaiu.
Magistrinäitust jääb 10. juunil lõpetama Telliskivi Loomelinnakus toimuv kunstioksjon, kus enampakkumisele tulevad EKA majast pärinevad maalid ja joonistused, aga ka EKA vilistlaste teosed ja muu põnev kraam, mis vana majaga seostub.
info: www.delfi.ee
Kunstisündmuste eesmärk on noorte kunstnike tutvustamine laiema üldsuse ja tööandjate seas ning eesti kunsti- ja disainihariduse väärtustamine ühiskonnas.
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia paikneb kuni uue maja valmimiseni seitsmes erinevas asukohas.
Reedel, 28. mail kell 18.00 avatakse Telliskivi Loomelinnakus Eesti Kunstiakadeemia 2010. aasta magistritööde näitus. Telliskivi Loomelinnaku turuhoonesse on aga ühtse katuse alla koondatud ligi 60-ne magistrandi lõputööd enamikelt EKA erialadelt, mis pakub avalikkusele võimalust korraga tutvuda uute noorte professionaalide loominguga. Turgutust pakub spetsiaalselt näituseks üles seatud noorte skulptuuritudengite kohvik.
Telliskivi Loomelinnaku teistes hoonetes ja mitmel pool Tallinnas toimub festivali ajal ka bakalaureuste näituseid ning erialade ülevaatenäituseid.
Nii on uues SooSoo Galeriis F hoones võimalik tutvuda tekstiilidisaini ning sisearhitektuuri ja mööblidisaini erialade väljapanekutega.
29. mail kell 19.00 vallutab ERKI moeshow Vabaduse väljaku maa-aluse parkla, kus kogu etendus toimub "silent show/ disco" formaadis. Külastajatele jagatakse kõrvaklapid, millest kostub catwalki muusika, klappideta aga jääb kõrvu moedemonstratsioonile omane sigin-sagin ja melu. Pileti saab siit!
Lõputööde kõrval koondab TASE sellel aastal ka esmakordselt mitmeid EKA tudengite omaalgatuslikke kunstiprojekte.
Telliskivi turul lähevad müüki Eesti Kunstiakadeemia majast järele jäänud taiesed ja värske tudengite looming, liikuvast raamatupoest Asterisk saab osta kodu- ja välismaiste disainerite ning kunstnike trükiseid.
Portfolio Cáfe annab võimaluse esitleda oma portfooliot erinevatele kunstiprofessionaalidele ning Õhu Siiditükikoda aitab trükkida siiditrüki tegemise õpetust.
Lisaks linastuvad veel Jaak Kilmi dokumentalistika loengus valminud parimad palad ja Joonmeedia kutsub hariduse teemadel vestlema Ülo Vooglaiu.
Magistrinäitust jääb 10. juunil lõpetama Telliskivi Loomelinnakus toimuv kunstioksjon, kus enampakkumisele tulevad EKA majast pärinevad maalid ja joonistused, aga ka EKA vilistlaste teosed ja muu põnev kraam, mis vana majaga seostub.
info: www.delfi.ee
19 May 2010
Best from H&M magazine
The cover of new H&M magazine look absolutely stunning:
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
Stripes are very IN in summer .. and the sailor theme :)
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
I just love the outfit:
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
This is really bohemian ...
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
I love colors ... especially NEON-colors, so do H&M:
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
Good news for hippies, they are back again :) and more romantic than ever:
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
Stripes are very IN in summer .. and the sailor theme :)
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
I just love the outfit:
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
This is really bohemian ...
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
I love colors ... especially NEON-colors, so do H&M:
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
Good news for hippies, they are back again :) and more romantic than ever:
Click on the image to see the full article from H&M MAGAZINE.
11 May 2010
Fashion Fusion @ Solaris
Students fashion show FASHION FUSION was held in Solaris in 6th May.

I was moddeling for Helena Pant's and Ege Reinson's collection GreyScale. I really really love all the items from their collection. There are two pictures of their collection. Enjoy!

I promise to make the review of best pieces of all the participants, as soon as femme.ee do publish the photos.

I was moddeling for Helena Pant's and Ege Reinson's collection GreyScale. I really really love all the items from their collection. There are two pictures of their collection. Enjoy!

I promise to make the review of best pieces of all the participants, as soon as femme.ee do publish the photos.
10 May 2010
@ Tiina Talumees Studio
Tiina Talumees in her studio talking about her work:

As I already told, then I visited Tiina Talumees's studio last Friday, here are some pictures of her and her studio. I have to say that her visit was the most interesting. Tiina is very friendly and lovely. After meeting her I had a desire to buy a wedding dress from her. Good idea I think. One of my course-mate already told her too that she will buy a wedding dress from Tiina.

I especially loved the Spanish collection dress that is the red one in front. It was quite heavy.
As I already told, then I visited Tiina Talumees's studio last Friday, here are some pictures of her and her studio. I have to say that her visit was the most interesting. Tiina is very friendly and lovely. After meeting her I had a desire to buy a wedding dress from her. Good idea I think. One of my course-mate already told her too that she will buy a wedding dress from Tiina.
I especially loved the Spanish collection dress that is the red one in front. It was quite heavy.
07 May 2010
School day!
Ohhhh ... what an interesting day, learn so much about Estonian fashion world, especially I loved the design inseners @ Tiina Talumees, and her gowns ... mmmm ... someday I will buy one of my own. MOOD was also interesting, because I like the idea of journalism. In the beginning of next week, I will add some photos too ... an other promise of mine :)
Tomorrow is another day in English :) Good night!
Tomorrow is another day in English :) Good night!
23 April 2010
Ed Hardy is coming to Tallinn
Good news, Ed Hardy is already in stores in Estonia, but today evening they will do a fabilous fashion show in VABANK in Tallinn and tomorrow in Sugar in Pärnu. I will be there and do a short reportage in the beginning of the next week. Meanwhile you can see the invitation.

And also look www.vabank.ee to see that great club.
But I have to go and start to look what I will wear in the evening! Baih!
Good news, Ed Hardy is already in stores in Estonia, but today evening they will do a fabilous fashion show in VABANK in Tallinn and tomorrow in Sugar in Pärnu. I will be there and do a short reportage in the beginning of the next week. Meanwhile you can see the invitation.

And also look www.vabank.ee to see that great club.
But I have to go and start to look what I will wear in the evening! Baih!
20 April 2010
More Lighter LOOK for my blog
I decided that now it is Spring time and my blog needed more lighter look. As long as I am designing my logo ... my last show-case picture will be as one.
I cannot wait for summer!
I cannot wait for summer!
Bread and Butter Coming again!
I just received an email that 6.-7. of July in Berlin there will be once again held the fair of Bread and Butter. Ouh I want to go there .. I am waiting my tickets already.
Look more -> www.breadandbutter.com
Look more -> www.breadandbutter.com
19 April 2010
Yeah, right from my last post, it has been too long time, yet it had gone so fast. The only thing I do is study-study-study. Oh I pray for June already, then all the studying will finish for three months. But yes, I am totally off fashion now, because of my fast-life, and all my collection plans were ruined, because of plenty task that I got from school, yet one dress is almost ready, I will picture it later and maybe I will post this picture tomorrow.
But my english is lot better now ... I can even thing in english now. That's cool.
Ouh and I bought adorable shoes last Friday, they got too high heels, but I fell in love from the first moment I saw them, so I had to bought them.
But my english is lot better now ... I can even thing in english now. That's cool.
Ouh and I bought adorable shoes last Friday, they got too high heels, but I fell in love from the first moment I saw them, so I had to bought them.
19 February 2010
05 January 2010
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