12 August 2011

Pieces of my home

My mother made some deco-technique ... the clock and pot for their living room
I had some fun today and I opened up one old clock, just to see whats in it .. I used some parts of it to create my "bra-clock"

Basilic and self-made "bra-clock" at the background ...
I made also some deco-technique - a storage for my tea

09 August 2011

Hallo again

I am back and I am more motivated than ever before, havent done anything by myself within last 6 months, so I already started creating ... handicraft and loads of other stuff.

I will start blogging again, so hasta la maniana

Your truly,

10 January 2011

Hello Germany

Well soon I will be off for 6 months to Germany to do my internship in Adidas!

I'll keep on blogging but in another blog and in Estonian