29 May 2009

DIY - Lady Gaga Hairstyle

Hei! Good news girls, if you want to look just like Lady Gaga take a look into this tutorial video and start doing it yourself!!

Colors for FW 2oo9 TOP 10 (6-10)

Well as I promised yesterday, that I will start the new season overview today. First of all I will talk about colors and bring few examples too.
6. Beige - a range of beiges for pairing with rich and saturated brights. Christian Siriano FW 2oo9 @ NYFW7. Pink - from rose to begonia pink. So fresh, so vivid, so girly.
Barbie Runway Show FW 2oo9 @ NYFW8. Rojal Blue - mixed with more neutral colors like Graphite, Chargoal Gray or Black.
Diane von Furstenberg FW o9 @ NYFW9. Skin tone
Miss Sixty FW o9 @ NYFW
10. Warm Olive
E.Y.Wada FW o9 @ NYFW


28 May 2009

HIT'n'MISS of the week!!

I know I suppose to post this tomorrow, but I got greater plans for tomorrow's post .. I would like to start writing the preview of new season (FW 2oo9), so I thought I will do the HITnMISS thing today!!!

I love this Carrie Underwood dress, it is so simple, nice and neat and so girly! Thums UP for that outfit!!!I also like this Blake Lively blue look. Oh this summer is full of colors!!! And I love bright ones. Plus her pastel lilac shoes are just so right for this kinda blue!!!
Oh Heidi Heidi you're so stylish! MISS:
I think I don't even have to comment this Diane Kruger look. It's just so wrong.

Even Beyonce does not pull it together. It's not the worst look .. but you can do it better!!!
I think Mariah Carey is the worst dresser ever. She was in MISS-list last week, she is here this week and I can bet she will be here next week too.

But I have to say that I like the fabric of her dress ;)


Fashion Craze

Colored tights!!!!
Match tights with your dress color or do not match them at all ... remember less isn't always more :)
Narciso Rodrigues FW 2oo9 @ New York Fashion Show
You can see them in every color starting with white and ending with green!

Checkered tights ... Academy of art University FW 2oo9 @ New York Fashion Week
Even Chanel loves colored tights - red tights from Chanel Cruise 2010

27 May 2009


1988 - Monica, an accountant, and Ronald, a warehouse supervisor, welcome daughter Robyn Rihanna Fenton. Her childhood on the Caribbean island of Barbados is deeply affected by her father's addiction to crack cocaine and parent's rocky marriage, which ends when she's 14. The shy kid finds an outlet through singing.
2003 Detcember: After forming a girl group with two classmates, Rihanna, 15, auditions for veteran producer Evan Rogers, who tells Entertainment Weekly, "The minute Rihanna walked into the room, it was like the other two girls didn't exist." She eventually moves to Connecticut to live with Rogers and his wife, while cutting a four-song demo. "When I left Barbados, I didn't look back," Rihanna adds. "I wanted to do what I had to do, even it meant moving to America."
2004 Rihanna's demo makes its way to Def Jam and the budding star is invited to audition for rapper turned Def Jam president Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter. "I was in the lobby just shaking," Rihanna, who sings Whitney Houston's "For the Love of You," tells Rolling Stone. "I signed her in one day," Jay-Z adds. "It took me two minutes to see she was a star."
She's got style
August 30. 2005 Rihanna's Debut
Rihanna releases her first single, "Pon de Replay," kicking off her debut album, Music of the Sun, and it peaks at No. 2 on Billboard's Hot 100. The Barbados beauty tours with Gwen Stefani to promote her album, which sells more than 2 million copies worldwide. Rolling Stone calls the album "a seductive mix of big-voiced R&B and souped-up island riddims – what Beyoncé might have sounded like if she had grown up in the West Indies and skipped the whole Destiny's Child thing."

Rihanna's style

February 10 2008 Rihanna's First Grammy!
After making a splash with an even shorter do, Rihanna performs "Umbrella" and "Don’t Stop the Music" at the 2008 Grammy Awards. The 19-year-old singer also goes home with her first Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration with Jay-Z for her hit "Umbrella." During her acceptance speech, Rihanna says, "Dad, I know I promised you I'd give you my first Grammy, but we're going to have to fight for this one!"


26 May 2009

Kuu Kuum - HotHotHot

Ruched dress - Staarikestele meeldib läikivast kangast kroogitud kleidike.

25 May 2009

Cosmo Glämmilaat - 19.juuni kell 16.oo !!!!

Eelmistel aastatel üliedukalt läinud Cosmo Glämmilaat tuleb taas juba kuu aja pärast. Seekordne tähtsündmus leiab aset 19. juunil kl 16 uhiuues Baltika Kvartalis. Cosmo ootab ostuhuvilisi tuhande ringis. Pääse maksab 50 krooni. Üritusel müügikoha saamiseks tuleb täita kandideerimissoov, mille leiab aadressilt www.cosmopolitan.ee/glammilaat. Kandideerimise viimane päev on 25. mai, ootame kauplema nii üksikmüüjaid kui ka sõbrannadepaare.Jälgi ürituse uudiseid www.twitter.com/glammilaat!

Fashion Fusion PARIMAD

See üritus toimus küll juba ammu-ammu, aga otsustasin, et parimad palad võiks ikka välja tuua:
Timmo Vahar - Bad-Tempered Gender - mõnusalt paheline Teresa-Katriin Liivak - Animal Sick - geto look
Teele Koel - Cocoon .. PARIM, tahan ka endale pajuvitstest seelikut ;)
Liisa Orgna - Futurest - sinine tulnukas on fun.
Karmen Mänd - Unenäos sees, mõnus värv ja lahe materjalide mix

Pildid: www.femme.ee

22 May 2009

Suvine TOP 10 : meik & juuksed

Et siis lugemist nädalavahetuseks!!!
1. Sirged juuksed - mida sirgem, seda parem! 2. Juukse aksessuaarid: rätikud, peavõrud, jm kõik võimalikd ehted
3. Prantsuslik üleskuhjatud soeng
4. Hipi juuksed - bohho chick on kõva sõna!
5. Baleriini krunn - see on ju nii-nii naiselik ja armas
6. Metalne meik - kõik, mis särab ja hiilgab.
7. Kargus - sinakad, lillakad toonid, jahedad varjundid.
8. Julged huuled - oranzid, roosad, punased, lillad või mida ainult hing ihkab, peaasi, et julgelt kirevad! 9. Lainerijoon - see sobib ideaalselt krunni ja nn palja meigiga
10. Naturaalne meik - klaar nägu on nooruslik ja silmipimestavalt kaunis.

Nädala HIT'n'MISS

Peaaegu MÖÖDAS: Karda Shian ... ehk siis plusse ja miinuseid jagub võrdselt.
Plussideks: soeng, kingad
Miinusteks: Jaki õlakud võivad küll popikad olla, aaga no kuulge?!? ja püksid on natsa väikseks jäänud! TÄIELIKULT MÖÖDA: Mariah Carey kleit on jube. Liiga suur dekoltee ja liiga lame kleit.
MÖÖDA: Anne Hathaway kleit meenutab veits soomuseid, või mis? Värv on küll tuleviku moeröögatus, aga kõik kokku on ikkagist MÖÖDA!
PIHTAS PÕHJAS: Taylor Swift näeb ingellik välja. Kadestamisväärselt ilus!
PIHTA: Nagu ma ka ennustasin, siis see Eva Longoria look saab olema kõva sõna. Võrratu!!!
PIHTAS: Ashlee Simpson - sarmikas, võluv, kena must kleidike.Go for it!

21 May 2009


DKNY kleit ... mmmm sellel rõivatükil on kõik paigas - värv, lõige ja stiil! SUPPER!!

20 May 2009

Parise pähkarid!!

Miss Paris Hilton ei ole küll üks lemmik moeinimesi, aga vahest suudab ta oma laheda riietusega üllatada. Ehk siis selle trikoo-lõige on thums up!!!

Tee ise

Tee ise rubriik alustab!!! Täna teeme Diane von Furstenberg'i PomPom mütsi:
Vaja: Erinevaid lõngu ja mütsi
1. Tee papist ring/sõõrik (nagu pildil)
2. Googelda how to make pom pom. Usun et kõik on seda algklasside tööõpetuse tunnis teinud :) põhimõtteliselt tuleb hakata lõnga kerima ümber papist sõõriku. Tuleb meelde?
3. Õmble pom pom-id oma mütsi külge
Ja ekstra veel ÜKS õpetus kuidas teha Luis Vuitton'i kaelakeed :)

Vaja: Liimi või niiti/nõela ja värvilisi vahu lehti (võid ka paberist teha, aga siis ei jää tulemus nii hea)

1. Lõika vaht triipudeks ning painuta ringiks

2. Liimi või õmble paika

3. Järgmine ring pane eelmisest läbi jnejnejne